Shield The Body From Cancer With Walnut

Walnut is a hard fruit that nourishes the body. There are three main types of walnuts; the English walnut, also known as the Persian walnut, the Black walnut and the White or butternut walnut. It is loaded with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect the heart against all forms of heartache.

This wonderful nut can also shield the body from cancerous and diabetes attacks when consumed daily. To get the best of this edible nut, try processing it as oil just like the groundnut oil. When walnut oil is mixed with vinegar, it can be used as salad dressings. Walnut can be cooked or fried and eaten as snacks.

Health benefits of walnut
According to, walnuts lower blood pressure due to the high omega-3 fatty acid present in the nut, especially when cooked with the shell. This fatty acid also reduces the cholesterol in the body when consumed daily.

Research indicated that few walnuts per day significantly reduced the risk of prostate and breast cancer.

Daily intake of walnut also improves the functioning of the brain.

Since it is rich in fibre, it keeps the digestive system healthy.

Selenium, zinc, biotin and essential fatty acids present in walnuts help to promote healthy, shiny and strong hair.

Add powdered walnut to cereal or while preparing snacks to prevent gallbladder disease.

Walnuts contain melatonin that helps to improve sleep especially at night.

It also contains essential fatty acids called alpha linolenic that strengthens the bones.

Though it’s high in calories and contains fat, it can also help in weight management due to the presence of fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals.


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