Asa takes on 5 questions

Bukola 'Asa' Elemide was having more fun on her last album 'Beautiful Imperfection' than the debut and ever better styled, which she agrees on, courtesy AfriPop! Q1: What are your favourite imperfections? Asa: There are many [she laughs]. Well, that is how I used to see myself but my attitude is changing. As I grow older I find that the things I do not like about myself are not seen by other people in the same way. I think I can be a bit hard on myself sometimes but when people say nice things about my music, that it is wonderful. I don’t see my music as perfect but I don’t want it to be. In life, the best thing you can do is be yourself. Q2: Why are there so many love songs on this album? I think it’s because I am in love with life. I am embracing all the changes I have experienced and I am writing about them. My first album was quite political and I will never stop talking about the things I see around me – the corruption, the suffering, the bad ...